Thursday, April 14, 2016

Stephen Halpern, Robert Novak Visit Re: Global Pyramid Con-Chicago May 13-15 04/14 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts

Stephen Halpern, Robert Novak Visit Re: Global Pyramid Con-Chicago May 13-15 04/14 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts: Steven Halpern, famous musician, known as the father of 'New Age Music' and Robert Novak, Spiritual Author who will both be presenters at the International Science Global Pyramid Conference in Chicago, May 13-15, 2016. Theresa J Morris and friend Janet Kira Lessin of the Ascension Center Education as ACE and ACO will share syndication to assist our friends, agents, consultants, organizers who want to share in the Ascension Age! We will share more information at our website. Read their entire biographies on our websites. We share in our websites at,,,,, We share the Spiritual, Metaphysical, Paranormal, Super Natural genres including ACE Folklife Art, Culture, Education, Science, Technology, History, Folklife, Energy and Communications in both the visual and performing arts and spoken word.

Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion 04/12 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts

Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion 04/12 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts: Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion with Theresa J Morris and Breanna Houk.Wendy - Launguages of Life. Hope for some help working on a project which involves a conference in Chicago, Illinois. Renaissance Chicago Northshore Hotel is a beautiful venue and TJ and Bree will be meeting for the second time ever to share a pyramid discussion with others in person. Tonight, they begin a weekly show with those of you who are wanting to do your own research on why we are here, why these pyramids are here, and how they got here. Also, Bree has a friend who is an independent Egyptologist and Author. He will be coming to share some topics to discuss and should be an interesting show. Patrick Giles will be selling his book Rainwater and Answer to the Pyramids. Patrick Giles spent ten years researching hieroglyphics, studying excavation reports and building working models of pyramid complexes to prove his theory that pyramids assisted ancient civilizations in harvesting and purifying rainwater into drinking water. Join us to learn more, as Patrick will discuss the science behind this and the healing energies of pyramids for the benefit of all.

Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion 04/12 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts

Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion 04/12 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts: Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion with Theresa J Morris and Breanna Houk.Wendy - Launguages of Life. Hope for some help working on a project which involves a conference in Chicago, Illinois. Renaissance Chicago Northshore Hotel is a beautiful venue and TJ and Bree will be meeting for the second time ever to share a pyramid discussion with others in person. Tonight, they begin a weekly show with those of you who are wanting to do your own research on why we are here, why these pyramids are here, and how they got here. Also, Bree has a friend who is an independent Egyptologist and Author. He will be coming to share some topics to discuss and should be an interesting show. Patrick Giles will be selling his book Rainwater and Answer to the Pyramids. Patrick Giles spent ten years researching hieroglyphics, studying excavation reports and building working models of pyramid complexes to prove his theory that pyramids assisted ancient civilizations in harvesting and purifying rainwater into drinking water. Join us to learn more, as Patrick will discuss the science behind this and the healing energies of pyramids for the benefit of all.

Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion 04/12 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts

Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion 04/12 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts: Global Pyramid Network Group Discussion with Theresa J Morris and Breanna Houk.Wendy - Launguages of Life. Hope for some help working on a project which involves a conference in Chicago, Illinois. Renaissance Chicago Northshore Hotel is a beautiful venue and TJ and Bree will be meeting for the second time ever to share a pyramid discussion with others in person. Tonight, they begin a weekly show with those of you who are wanting to do your own research on why we are here, why these pyramids are here, and how they got here. Also, Bree has a friend who is an independent Egyptologist and Author. He will be coming to share some topics to discuss and should be an interesting show. Patrick Giles will be selling his book Rainwater and Answer to the Pyramids. Patrick Giles spent ten years researching hieroglyphics, studying excavation reports and building working models of pyramid complexes to prove his theory that pyramids assisted ancient civilizations in harvesting and purifying rainwater into drinking water. Join us to learn more, as Patrick will discuss the science behind this and the healing energies of pyramids for the benefit of all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

ACO Agents-Consultant-Organizers on Cosmos Radio Shows


Author’ History Opportunities in the ACO Social Service Club of TJ Morris ACIR
TJ Morris Radio at
In service to others. We celebrate life each day and allow our love as Life Coaches to serve self and others as we cross paths. We choose friends who support each other in life that we co=create in this world in which we choose to exist.
First we make a commitment to survive and to prepare for the word and hope for the best. We share the love of life and the light as wisdom of the creators.
We ask each of our members to believe in their own higher power, source, we also know as God with the big G. We share that love is the synergy we choose to procreate to share with each other a co-creator.  We share education and choose to be a community online practicing skills group of gatherers.
We share our own symbols, rituals, and ceremony at an annual alumni gathering.
2016 Power of three and including two more to make five holding Board of Advisers positions.
Founder is Theresa J Morris
Facilitator and Vice President is Bill M Tracer for Sunday Meetings – Weekly 
Tuesday Co-Host is Bree Houk
Wednesday Co-Host is Diana McClintic
Thursday Co-Host is Tony R Elliott
Friday Co-Host is Thomas A (Hawksblood) Sinisi
Saturday Co-Host is Janet Kira Lessin
Sunday Co-Host is Bill M Tracer
Monday - TJ is Off Planning Week
Co-Host is Thomas A Sinisi 
Mission: ACO Health and Prosperity for all.
Learning to live and let live with freedom, liberty, ACO
Ascension Center Organization is a world movement for
Universal Life Ministries
ACO Ascension Center Organization
ACE Metaphysical Institute
Solutions – We share an interest in metaphysics. We believe in creation.
Metaphysical Book Authors share improving Self-Help and Spirituality

We are ACE Folklife Historical Society and other organizations under the ACO SPIRITUALITY CLUB – Golden Gateway
We share solutions helps businesses and nonprofits save money, align their staff, and achieve their goals. We lead workshops and strategic planning retreats that redirect energy wasted on conflict to solve problems and create success. Our community -Whether you’re a new player or a veteran looking to get involved in a global game, this is the place to find your interest, develop your stories, and watch them come to life, whether at local games or at our many regional and national conventions.
So to you, our new found friend, welcome.  Our door is always open.
Conspiracy Theories
Global Tectonic Economics
Historical Sacred Sites
Life Coaching
Pop Culture
Universal Life
Ancient Wisdom and New Thought Teachings
Ascension Center Organization
Ascension Process – Eschatology
World Cultures & Religions
Alien Contact Organization - ACO
We will co-create the new reality!
ET Contactees –
Beyond Time on Earth
Alien Planets-Alien Galaxies
Roswell Connection
We are ROLE PLAYING – I am Sarah (Tara) Rose and I am a Guide and a Time Traveler. I am aware of Tara El and Ari El in different time frames and interdimensional roll playing higher self-channeling episodes.
Cosmos Connection
Cosmos Radio Organization
Theresa J Morris


TJ Morris Agency
“We are Team Players”

We share various websites, and social media groups and pages. We share the Cosmos Radio Org on our TJ Morris Radio Network. We share our friends in our communications and written articles and 
Professional Society Newsletters.
Let us know if you or your client is in need of  assistance in public relations or are in need of a personal stylist or  publicist.

Search Engine Optimization!
Unlike SEO services being offered, we take a unique approach. WE HAVE  found that consumers are more likely to research your business on our website than on your own website. Why? Business Directory for every member business, giving them immediate visibility. That's instant optimization gratification!

Cosmos Radio Organization is a Professional Society of Communicators who enjoy sharing time working at their skill improvement in speechcraft. Many of TJ’s friends are authors and are always busy writing their next book or promoting their present just completed book.
We share in the ACO Club of America as Authors …

TJ Morris Media is the professional business members online who care to share in marketing and public relations in their own field of expertise.

We also are now building friends who want to share their excitement about a project they are working These may include topics or tracks included in programs of upcoming events.
Theresa J Morris is an Agent, Consultant, Organizer, and also an Author, Speaker, and Radio Host.

If you would like to come aboard for her Life Coaching Classes on a personal development course or in her workshops for event planning please let one of her Agents, Consultants, or Organizers know.
We specialize in the information sharing for authors, musicians, and people in the entertainment industry.

Visual and performing artists are part of our cast of talent we share with our authors, and speakers.

ACO is a division of the TJ Morris Brand
Shared in the TJ Morris ACO and ACIR logo online.

Checklist for TJ’s Agents-Consultants-Organizers
Check List or “Honey Do List” as her mother so conveniently called it. Theresa’s mother was a writer and a wonderful housewife and writer.

Theresa Mae Bolton was her name given at birth and she was called “TESS THOMAS” as a
Your reputation is critical to the success of your business. Therefore a certified ACO  member
Protects Your KNOWING your reputationand how you want to be known in social media with learning what to put out to the public in your personal life and your business. 
In our ACO business, we give you or them the opportunity to resolve the issue before anyone can see it further. We are mediators and do our best to be a third party in any possible contingencies in your business or social events!

 Writer and event planner. Tess organizer of her 50th class reunion at the Ouachita High School was loved for finding her old class mates and sharing a wonderful website in her lifetime.

Theresa Mae Bolton may be honored by purchasing her book online on called “Good old days in Louisiana” by Tess Thomas

Ginger Parrish

Janet Kira Lessin

Bree Houk

Debbie K Dockery

Dr. El Rosie Diamond

Text Box: OPPORTUNITYImprove Customer Service!• Businesses who hold their commitment makes their businesses stronger. • Affording them the opportunity to resolve issues directly and quickly with their unsatisfied customers.• Learn what their weaknesses are and make adjustments to their business model.• Consumers love to do business with those that show their honesty and wiliness to make changes.• We all are human and to err is human.• Customers of course expect everything within reason.
Bill M. Tracer

Monday, April 11, 2016

Dr. Sam Osmanagich ~ 04/10/16 ~ Global Pyramid Conference 04/11 by Aquarian Radio | Education Podcasts

Dr. Sam Osmanagich ~ 04/10/16 ~ Global Pyramid Conference 04/11 by Aquarian Radio | Education Podcasts: Hosts Janet Kira Lessin, Dr. Sasha Lessin,Theresa J. Morris & Karen Christine Patrick interview Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D on on Monday, April 11, 2016, 9 AM HST, 12 NOON PST, 3 PM Eastern time. About Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D. is Bosnian-born Houston (USA) resident author, researcher and businessman. He discovered an ancient pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina consisting, to date, of eleven artificial structures: the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, the Bosnian Pyramid of Love, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon, the Temple of Mother Earth, Vratnica Tumulus, Dolovi Tumulus, Ginje Tumulus, KTK Tunnels, Underground Labyrinth ?Ravne? and ?Ravne 2? tunnels. He has established non-profit and non-government 'Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun' Foundation to pursue the excavation and geo-archaeological work. ( He used to teach (2012/2013) at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina as Anthropology professor, in particular Bosnian megalithic sites. First International Scientific Conference about Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids was held in Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in August 25-30, 2008 ( with 55 leading experts from Egypt, Russia, China, Poland, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Croatia, Austria, Montenegro and Bosnia giving full support to Osmanagich's efforts and recommending establishment of the Center for Pyramid Studies in Bosnia. . Three more International Scientific Conferences were held in 2012, 2013, 2014 with over 100 experts from different fields proving that Bosnian Pyramid complex is oldest on the Planet with the purpose of serving as energy machines. More

Alien Contact - The Message (You have to see it for yourself)